Back Scattered Dust Monitor for Ideal Monitoring of Opacity and Smoke Levels in the Exhaust Gas of Industrial Combustion or Air Filtration Processes It is a self-developed online dust monitoring device, that uses the mainstream technology of laser backscatter measurement with imported core components. It is mainly used for continuous monitoring of various sources of emissions of particulate matter concentrations. It can be equipped with CEMS, used alone or with several others, or form a dust monitoring network with shared data acquisition and processing unit.
The Tribo Electric Dust Monitor is a real-time, continuous, indicative dust monitor with logging and alarm capability. It consists of a single probe for installation in a silo or duct, and a control unit or logger. This type-approved measuring device with a measuring probe is for very low to medium dust concentrations. It is ideal for thick-walled or double-walled ducts because of the one-sided installation.
The Tribo Electric Dust Monitor measurement is based on the principle of Tribo-Electric charge transfer. The electrical charge carried by dust particles is captured by a highly sensitive Tribe-Electric probe, amplified, and then transmitted to the control unit. As the current generated by the charge is proportional to the concentration of particles present, an indicative signal of dust presence results.